Your logo is the hub around which you build your brand, and as such really is one of the most important pieces in your marketing kit.

Your awesome business needs an awesome logo.

What is it that makes a logo awesome? We know the answer to that question - it’s our job!

If you would like to find out, just follow along…

A website is a tool, and as with any tool there is no definitive 'perfect' option for everyone. When choosing how to build your website, it can be hard to work out which route to take. 

A Weebly website won't be for everyone and certainly not for every business, but as an affordable alternative to bespoke web development, it may be an option worth considering.

Want more information? Here are some pros and cons for using the Weebly builder for your template project.
Deciding to take the plunge to start working for yourself is a big step. It's a decision both exhilarating and terrifying, and you're going to be on that emotional roller coaster all along the journey.

I know that when I started down this path, I could hardly contain my excitement. The ideas were bubbling over, I was frantically scribbling down lists and notes, creating half-baked flowcharts to stick and admire on the walls.

Once the initial excitement calmed down a little bit, I quickly realised that enthusiasm alone wasn't going to keep me going in the long-term. Excitement is exhausting, and while great for brainstorming and getting lots of ideas flowing - for me at least - it works against me when I need to get things actually done.

My business much prefers me when I'm being calm, steady and disciplined. And while these personality traits aren't necessarily the ones that come most naturally (or sound the most glamorous), I am working very hard on nurturing them and letting them guide my daily schedule. 

So why do we put ourselves through this? What are some reasons for starting your own small business?

If you've got an internet presence for your business, chances are that you are looking at new ways to use the internet for your marketing strategies. And chancees are you've got a blog full of great articles. Or a Twitter stream of thoughts, ideas, links and marketing. Or a Facebook page full of updates.

Just think. All that lovely content that belongs to you. If only there were an easy way to make it work a bit harder. Right?


How can a template help my business or clients?

© Davinci | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

In our experience, most businesses, no matter how big or small, use the concept of a template already. 

You put together a deck of slides for a presentation - firstly adding your logo, picking your font, and incorporating other branding elements. The next time you are pitching to a client, you take that presentation, hit Save>As and start adding and deleting content.

And yet you spend a huge amount of time resizing every text box to your preferred font, copy-pasting the same element over and over, and generally getting pretty annoyed by the whole process.

You work the same in Word - take an old report, start tweaking it and before long find yourself in a Microsoft hell of jumping bullets, possessed numbering and inexplicable blank pages.

Why isn't your 'template' working?

© Mschalke | Dreamstime Stock Photos &Stock Free Images

The eBook revolution is here!

eBooks have come a long way in the past few years. With the explosion of digital reading devices, the market for downloadable books is growing at a staggering rate. In December 2011, Amazon released figures suggesting that their customers purchased in excess of one million Kindle devices per week. With the increasing popularity of other readers such as Nook, iBook and Kobo, the stage is set for a complete upheaval of traditional publishing practices.

So where does that leave the small business owner, looking to leverage this surge in popularity of digital book publishing? Let's look at some questions you should be asking yourself as you steer your eBook towards publication.


Graphic and web design company